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Baca, Jimmy Santiago 2006

Wednesday, November 8, 2006

jimmy santiago baca

that there is a great power within us, that when used in purity,
unselfishness and immaculate thought,
cures, heals and causes miracles
and now assists me in my journey–

– Jimmy Santiago Baca, excerpt from “Healing Earth”

Broadside of excerpt from "Healing Earth" by Jimmy Santiago Baca.

Broadside of excerpt from “Healing Earth” by Jimmy Santiago Baca.

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Listen to this interview with Jimmy Santiago Baca on NPR:

And the convicts themselves, at the mummy’s
feet, blood-splattered leather, at this one’s feet,
they become cobras sucking life out of their brothers,
they fight for rings and money and drugs,
in this pit of pain their teeth bare fangs,
to fight for what morsels they can. . . .

– Jimmy Santiago Baca, “They Are Black”

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Watch Jimmy Santiago Baca read some of his work:

More info on Jimmy Santiago Baca ⇒

Perlberg, Mark 2002

Wednesday, May 8, 2002
Former President of the Poetry Center of Chicago

I keep stamps in odd colors: moss, mauve,
diamond gray. They looked obsolete
the day they were minted.
Feathers that dropped from the sky,
my airedale’s bark, a child’s cry.

– Mark Perlberg, “The Box of Clouds”

Broadside of “The Box of Clouds” by Mark Perlberg

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Listen to Mark Perlberg’s 2002 reading for the Poetry Center of Chicago:

What does dying mean?
Is it living like a stone?
Being everywhere at once,
like river mist or rain?

– Mark Perlberg, “When At Night”

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Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Buy this audio recording featuring Mark Perlberg⇒

Something happened to the cables
that run under miles of water to our island,
so we play cribbage in the light of six candles
and a hurricane lamp.

– Mark Perlberg, “Orchids and Eagles”

Broadside of “Orchids and Eagles” by Mark Perlberg

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More info on Mark Perlberg⇒

Sanchez, Sonia 2008

Tuesday, February 14, 2008

sonia sanchez

I fixed my body
under his and went
to sleep in love
all trace of me
was wiped away

– Sonia Sanchez, “Ballad”

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Watch this interview with Sonia Sanchez from APIARY Magazine:

APIARY Interviews Sonia Sanchez – Part 1: Poetry & Language

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Your limbs buried
in northern muscle carry
their own heartbeat

– Sonia Sanchez, “14 haiku”

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Watch Sonia Sanchez read some of her poetry:

More info on Sonia Sanchez ⇒

Paschen, Elise 2009; 2011

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
with Reginald Gibbons
Saturday, November 19, 2011
with Kevin Prufer


I had removed
the hook from which
he’d swung with such
momentous grace.
But wasn’t I snared?
That look, that flash
as I tossed him back,
alive, in air. 

Elise Paschen, “Angling”

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Listen to an interview with Elise Paschen about the collection of poetry she edited:

 From milkweed to lupine a woman shadows
a monarch.  Slowly makes her way, conveys
her weight with care.  Inside the womb her son
flutters, then butterfly-kicks against walls. 

– Elise Paschen, “Monarch”

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Read this interview with Elise Paschen from Valparaiso Poetry Review:

Elise Paschen Interviewed by Edward Byrne

EDWARD BYRNE ~ ELISE PASCHEN INTERVIEWED BY EDWARD BYRNE I n November of 2006 I was pleased to introduce Elise Paschen for her poetry reading in the excellent Writing Out Loud series of author presentations at the Michigan City Public Library, not far from Valparaiso.

More info on Elise Paschen⇒

Salach, Cin 1998, 2006

Tuesday, May 4, 2006

cin salach

This is what I was afraid of:
This paper   this thought   lines
dividing white space     lines dividing
This exhaustion     this futility
this game or promise.

– Cin Salach, “specifically”

Broadside of "specifically" by cin salach.

Broadside of “specifically” by Cin Salach.

Buy this broadside in a series with Debra Bruce, Annie Finch, John Frederick Nims, and Paulette Roeske⇒

Watch Cin Salach read some of her poetry:


Wind drunk
women may leave
most men to cry
over raw pink
skies and lazy gardens

– Cin Salach, “Wind Drunk Women”

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Read this interview with Cin Salach from the Windy City Times:

More info on Cin Salach ⇒

Padgett, Ron 1979; 2002; 2004

Friday, June 1, 1979
with Ted Berrigan
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
with Anselm Hollo

I don’t mind Walt Whitman’s saying”I contain multitudes,” in fact I like it,
but all I can imagine myself saying is
“I contain a sandwich and some coffee and a throb.”

– Ron Padgett, “Embraceable You”

Broadside of “Embraceable You” by Ron Padgett

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Listen to Ron Padgett’s 2004 reading with Anselm Hollo at the Poetry Center of Chicago:

Ron Padgett begins at 35:15 minutes.

I bang into the water pail,
blue in the morning light,
though to tell the truth
I am blue in any light,

– Ron Padgett, “Mir”

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Vintage poster of Ted Berrigan and Ron Padgett giving a poetry reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Vintage poster of Ted Berrigan and Ron Padgett giving a poetry reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.


Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Buy this audio recording featuring Ron Padgett⇒

More info on Ron Padgett⇒

Odelius, Kristy 2005

Wednesday, February 9, 2005
with Joel Craig and Srikanth Reddy

know why they despise vibrato.
Hovering suddenly above the alley,
into the open dumpster they fly
sucking Slurpees singing “I lick
the wind’s behind”…

– Kristy Odelius, “The virgins of Chicago”

Broadside of “The virgins of Chicago” by Kristy Odelius

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Buy this broadside in a series with Joel Craig and Srikanth Reddy⇒

And when the reds arrive moving as if toward a name
Or a distant cabana, zero in on a shelter
As a generation glides with ignorance and grace

– Kristy Odelius, “Cardio/sky”

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Watch Kristy Odelius read some of her work:

Kristy Odelius

Rabbit Light Movies Episode #13 Summer 2011 Filmed March 1st 2011 in Wicker Park, Chicago

More info on Kristy Odelius⇒

Muench, Simone 2003; 2010; 2014; 2017

Monday, November 3, 2003
with Jennifer Grotz and Quraysh Ali Lansana
Thursday, May 27, 2010
with Jenny Boully
Friday, August 29, 2014
with Jason Koo and Roger Reeves
Chicago Cultural Center
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
with Tara Betts, Ruben Quesada, RJ Eldridge, and Kristy Bowen


In this mouth I gather darkness, an aria,
rosewater tongue, tympanic bone,
a poem more quiet than quietness,
a bronze song, something undone, salvia,
a crushed butterfly.

– Simone Muench, “Elegy for the Unsaid”

Broadside of “Elegy for the Unsaid” by Simone Muench, “Try” by Jennifer Grotz, and “burdens” by Quraysh Ali Lansana

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Listen to Simone Muench’s 2014 reading for the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Six Points Reading Series:

we were movie stars
             who never entered the frame.
                    we were green and gone
lisping “o” words in the air:
ode, odalisque, obituary.

– Simone Muench, “Orange Girl Suite [excerpt]”

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Roger Reeves, Simone Muench, and Jason Koo at the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Six Points Reading Series, August 29, 2014.


 More & more I see the human form,
a nothingness which longs to be the sea.
Lives infinitely repeated down to atomic thinness
like footfalls in a strange house. 

– Simone Muench, “Wolf Cento”

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Listen to Simone Muench’s 2010 reading with Jenny Boully at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Muench begins at 28:25 minutes.

Read an interview with Simone Muench from Newcity Lit:

The Great and Royal Animal Within: An Interview with Simone Muench

Interview with Simone Muench about her new collection of poems, “Wolf Centos”.

More info on Simone Muench⇒

Mueller, Lisel 1995; 1997; 2002

Wednesday, December 13, 1995
Monday, May 5, 1997
Thursday, April 18, 2002

From the province of spring everlasting
bring back a rose that remains half-open,
from the drydock of mute old men
bring back the miracle of a tear,
from the delta of good intentions
bring back the seed that will change a life.

– Lisel Mueller, “Spell For A Traveler”

Broadside of “Spell For A Traveler” by Lisel Mueller

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Listen to Lisel Mueller’s 1995 Poetry Center of Chicago reading:

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Buy this audio recording featuring Lisel Mueller⇒

We fitted our shoes with tongues
as smooth as our own
and hung tongues inside bells
so we could listen
to their emotional language,

– Lisel Mueller, “Things”

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Read an interview with Lisel Mueller from Pirene’s Fountain:

More info on Lisel Mueller⇒

Meltzer, David 2009

Thursday, November 19, 2009

In the hole he counted heartbeats
but got scared they’d stop
listened to broken pipes
under the shit-hole in the floor
finally read the Bible they give you
but his religion wasn’t in a book

– David Meltzer, “The Art/The Veil”

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Read an interview with David Meltzer:

Interview with poet David Meltzer

Interview with poet David Meltzer

Watch David Meltzer read some of his work here:

When I Was A Poet by David Meltzer

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More info on David Meltzer⇒