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Hak, Seo Jung and Megan Sungyoon 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Blue Hour Reading Series with Seo Jung Hak (서정학), translation by Megan Sungyoon, and Edgar Kunz
Haymarket House



They said they thought Earth was a planet composed only of water. Because their paper-box-like spaceship that lacked even basic waterproofing had always sunk into the deep abyss within minutes of landing on the sea. Shaking even with the blanket over the shoulders, one of them insisted that they were the first, or second, alien who had properly landed here.

– Seo Jung Hak, translated from Korean by Megan Sungyoon, from “Hot Love”

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Watch Megan Sungyoon and Seo Jung Hak’s 2024 reading with Edgar Kunz at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Megan Sungyoon and Seo Jung Hak begin at 2:26 minutes.

The heart was about to explode when the pipe was raised, still bleeding. The length of happiness was inversely proportional to fear, that bold solidity. Disgusting laughter echoed around. I, too, almost cried. Quickly checked the surroundings. Oxygen and glucose suddenly reached the state of saturation. The body gradually shrank and the gulped-down Big Mac froze in the huge stomach.

– Seo Jung Hak, translated from Korean by Megan Sungyoon, from “Adrenaline”

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Watch this event on translating Korean poetry with Megan Sungyoon:

More info on Megan Sungyoon⇒

Sullivan, Dan “Sully” 2024

Wednesday, February 21, 2024
Blue Hour Reading Series with Dan “Sully” Sullivan and S. Yarberry
Haymarket House


In first grade, Peter brought a fat
branch down on my neck for slogging
around the first base line. It broke
the skin & wasn’t the first time

I blubbered in the grass in front
of everyone. I fixed masking tape
over my nipples before gym
in middle school so they laid flat

– Dan “Sully” Sullivan, “The Best Stories”

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Watch Dan “Sully” Sullivan’s 2024 reading with S. Yarberry at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Dan “Sully” Sullivan begins at 39:42 minutes.

Watch Dan “Sully” Sullivan’s poem “April Is National Celery Month”:

Listen to Dan “Sully” Sullivan’s feature on NPR’s Morning Edition:

Visit Dan “Sully” Sullivan’s website⇒

Saenz, Jacob 2023

Wednesday, November 15, 2023
Blue Hour Reading Series with Jacob Saenz and Jason Bayani
Haymarket House


As a boy I bicycled the block
w/a brown mop top falling
into a tail bleached blond,

gold-like under golden light,
like colors of Noble Knights
’banging on corners, unconcerned

w/the colors I bore—a shorty
too small to war with, too brown
to be down for the block.

– Jacob Saenz, “Evolution of My Block”

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Watch Jacob Saenz’s 2023 reading with Jason Bayani at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Jacob Saenz begins at 19:13 minutes.

He was just some coked-out,
crazed King w/crooked teeth
& a teardrop forever falling,
fading from his left eye, peddling
crack to passengers or crackheads
passing as passengers on a train
chugging from Chicago to Cicero,
from the Loop through K-Town:
Kedzie, Kostner, Kildare.

– Jacob Saenz, “Blue Line Incident”

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Listen to this interview with Jacob Saenz:

More info on Jacob Saenz⇒

Sutter, Cory 2023

Monday, September 18, 2023
Poetry @ the Green with Cory Sutter
320 S. Canal


One Gay Two Gay / Pride 2022 from Cory Sutter on Vimeo.

Check out Cory Sutter’s podcast:

Pathetic and Poetic

‘Pathetic and Poetic’ is a weekly comedy poetry podcast that steps into the sometimes artistic, sometimes insane, but never boring minds of Natalie Schaffer and Cory Sutter. Each week they decide on a new theme and write original poetry while disc…

Visit Cory Sutter’s website⇒

Scappettone, Jennifer 2022

Wednesday, November 16, 2022
Blue Hour Reading Series with Jennifer Scappettone and Carlos Cumpián
Haymarket House


I was pre-Pandoran once, clear & amok, scarlet free where scarcely orange or purple romed: all font, Greek, drunk, then, then Tyred, vinegar aspect for breakfast. How I seam now in video footage of national folding where only arson lives lives.

– Jennifer Scappettone, ” da s”

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Watch Jennifer Scappettone’s 2022 reading with Carlos Cumpián at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Jennifer Scappetone begins at 14:19 minutes.

Watch Jennifer Scappettone give a Ted Talk on the future of poetic expression:

Read Jennifer Scappettone’s interview with Asymptote Journal:

An Interview with Jennifer Scappettone – Asymptote

Jennifer Scappettone is a poet, scholar, and translator, but her work with language far exceeds those categorizations, and her efforts to diminish the gaps between them far outweighs the privileging of one. In the preface to the 125-page dossier she edited for Aufgabe 7, which featured

More info on Jennifer Scappettone⇒

Shafer, Michelle 2022

Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Poetry @ the Green with Michelle Shafer
320 S. Canal


Watch Michelle Shafer’s performance of her song “Never Blue” at Poetry @ the Green:

Check out Michelle Shafer’s latest album Scattered Light:

Read this review of Michelle Shafer’s song “Stranger”:

Michelle Shafer Releases “Stranger”

The first couple of bars in any track as essential to setting up a mood, and Michelle Shafer doesn’t come into her new single “Stranger” with any degree of hesitance at all. With her voice as the centerpiece of the music, she creates a melodic bedrock for this single that sprawls across the whole of…

More info on Michelle Shafer⇒

Shanahan, Charif 2022

Wednesday, April 13, 2022
Blue Hour Reading Series with Keetje Kuipers and Charif Shanahan


Not that you would reinvent your life each second, but that you could.
How many lives do we get to live?
What happened at the beginning, that first major intersection: back in NYC,
Back from school, fallen out of school, dropped like a squashed-up napkin,
You did not choose to walk in that direction, you wandered there, then
Stayed. Not because you wanted to stay
But because others wanted to decide who stayed.

– Charif Shanahan, “Fig Tree”

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Watch Charif Shanahan’s 2022 reading with Keetje Kuipers at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Charif Shanahan begins at 1:57 minutes.

Specks of toothpaste fleck the mirror.
A fan spins dust in the hall.
I find “this is it” too vulgar to accept
So I wait for a new starting point
As though life will begin there and then.
Do you know what I mean?
Not what I’m saying, what I mean.

– Charif Shanahan, “While I Wash My Face I Ask Impossible Questions of Myself and Those Who Love Me”

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Watch Charif Shanahan read his work at the San Francisco Public Library:

Read Charif Shanahan’s interview with as part of their “emjambments” series:

Charif Shanahan on Making the Unseen Seen through Poetry

Lit Hub is excited to feature another entry in a new series from “enjambments,” a monthly interview series with new and established poets. This month, they spoke to Charif Shanahan, the …

More info on Charif Shanahan⇒

Sia, Andy 2022

Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Blue Hour Reading Series with Andy Sia and Matthew Olzmann


I am a ghostwriter. That is, I am a ghost who writes. I have wanted to write. It seems like such a human thing to do. But I could not even hold up a quill. Everything slips through my flimsy grasp. Undeterred, I begin work on a novel in my mind. I have to work fast, you see, because thoughts keep leaking out of my insubstantial head.

– Andy Sia, “The Ghostwriter”

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Read Andy Sia’s interview with The Massachusetts Review:

10 Questions for Andy Sia

Massachusetts Review

To-day I deploy the fur-trimmed and sequined lids over the paper eyes, I work the apparatus known as the “mouth”: How else am I to dispel us of the charade, Viewer, peel off the loveliest mask of you?

– Andy Sia, “Lion Dance”

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More info on Andy Sia⇒

Shin, Sun Yung 2021

Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Reading Series with Viola Lee and Sun Yung Shin


This is you—Titanus giganteus, your maw snapping pencils in half and cutting through human flesh. My encyclopedia chokes on your bulk. My camera, timid, afraid to look, as if you’re naked—not one adult male, but millions.

– Sun Yung Shin, “(Riot Police)”

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Watch Sun Yung Shin’s 2021 reading with Viola Lee at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Sun Yung Shin begins at 21:22 minutes.

Read Sun Yung Shin’s Interview with BOMB Magazine:

No more hangings, no more gas chambers. No one allowed to remain in the center of the labyrinth, guarding their dna from the world, from the future. No more contemplation, no more waste. Everyone leaning toward paradise. Shields down and the word enemy will pass from memory. You are my kind.

– Sun Yung Shin, “Seventh Sphere (Saturn: The Contemplatives)”

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Watch Sun Yung Shin share her work at University of Minnesota Libraries’ 14th Annual Pankake Poetry Reading:

More info on Sun Yung Shin⇒