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Maciel, Olivia 2001

Thursday, March 15, 2001
with Kent Foreman and Sheila Donohue


Read Olivia Maciel’s article entitled “A Brief Homage to Octavio Paz” from the Chicago Tribune:

Watch Olivia Maciel read and translate some of her poetry from The Guild Lit Channel:

Palabra Pura, Olivia Maciel, January 15, 2014

One Poet, One Poem ! This annual event celebrates the past and future curators of Palabra Pura. What a talented line up!

More info on Olivia Maciel⇒

McCray, Maria 1999

Billie sang!     the truth of blooming blood blossoms
the bottomless search-seek for love,
the pitless people, pillaging, plagiarizing,
picking apart

– Maria McCray, “Holliday & Well Worth a Celebration”

Broadside of "Holliday & Well Worth a Celebration" by Maria McCray

Broadside of “Holliday & Well Worth a Celebration” by Maria McCray

Buy this broadside in the Mixed Bags Series⇒

More info on Maria McCray⇒

Muldoon, Paul 1999

Wednesday, April 7, 1999

I’ve done some heavy lifting
And flexed my abs against the absolute
On the monastery farm
I’ve tried and tried the treadmill of the true
But it’s as nothing, schoolmarm,
To what I’ve tried with you

– Paul Muldoon, “Schoolmarm”

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Listen to Paul Muldoon read and discuss his work for the Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Lectures:

I ran into Miss Adventure
At the Bluebird Cafe
I pressed myself upon her
She kinda gave way
I said I’m racked with guilt
For having made so free
She gave her head a tilt
She said don’t you see

– Paul Muldoon, “You Gotta Take Out Milt”

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Read an interview with Paul Muldoon from the Paris Review:

The Art of Poetry No. 87

Paul Muldoon was born in County Armagh, in Northern Ireland, in 1951. He is the eldest of three children. His mother was a primary schoolteacher and his father held many jobs, including mushroom cultivator. Muldoon attended Queen’s University from 1969 to 1973, and remained in Belfas…

More info on Paul Muldoon⇒

Muench, Simone 2003; 2010; 2014; 2017

Monday, November 3, 2003
with Jennifer Grotz and Quraysh Ali Lansana
Thursday, May 27, 2010
with Jenny Boully
Friday, August 29, 2014
with Jason Koo and Roger Reeves
Chicago Cultural Center
Wednesday, June 14, 2017
with Tara Betts, Ruben Quesada, RJ Eldridge, and Kristy Bowen


In this mouth I gather darkness, an aria,
rosewater tongue, tympanic bone,
a poem more quiet than quietness,
a bronze song, something undone, salvia,
a crushed butterfly.

– Simone Muench, “Elegy for the Unsaid”

Broadside of “Elegy for the Unsaid” by Simone Muench, “Try” by Jennifer Grotz, and “burdens” by Quraysh Ali Lansana

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Listen to Simone Muench’s 2014 reading for the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Six Points Reading Series:

we were movie stars
             who never entered the frame.
                    we were green and gone
lisping “o” words in the air:
ode, odalisque, obituary.

– Simone Muench, “Orange Girl Suite [excerpt]”

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Roger Reeves, Simone Muench, and Jason Koo at the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Six Points Reading Series, August 29, 2014.


 More & more I see the human form,
a nothingness which longs to be the sea.
Lives infinitely repeated down to atomic thinness
like footfalls in a strange house. 

– Simone Muench, “Wolf Cento”

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Listen to Simone Muench’s 2010 reading with Jenny Boully at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Muench begins at 28:25 minutes.

Read an interview with Simone Muench from Newcity Lit:

The Great and Royal Animal Within: An Interview with Simone Muench

Interview with Simone Muench about her new collection of poems, “Wolf Centos”.

More info on Simone Muench⇒

Mueller, Lisel 1995; 1997; 2002

Wednesday, December 13, 1995
Monday, May 5, 1997
Thursday, April 18, 2002

From the province of spring everlasting
bring back a rose that remains half-open,
from the drydock of mute old men
bring back the miracle of a tear,
from the delta of good intentions
bring back the seed that will change a life.

– Lisel Mueller, “Spell For A Traveler”

Broadside of “Spell For A Traveler” by Lisel Mueller

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Listen to Lisel Mueller’s 1995 Poetry Center of Chicago reading:

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Buy this audio recording featuring Lisel Mueller⇒

We fitted our shoes with tongues
as smooth as our own
and hung tongues inside bells
so we could listen
to their emotional language,

– Lisel Mueller, “Things”

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Read an interview with Lisel Mueller from Pirene’s Fountain:

More info on Lisel Mueller⇒

Moss, Stanley 1979

Friday, March 16, 1979

When you said that you wanted to be useful
as the days of the week, I said, “God bless you.”
Then you said you would not trade our Mondays,
useful for two thousand years,
for the Seven Wonders of the ancient world.

– Stanley Moss, “An Argument”

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Watch Stanley Moss read some of his poetry:

Stanley Moss reads ‘Song of Alphabets’, ‘Paper Swallow’, and ‘Pslam’

American poet Stanley Moss reads three of his poems from his collection No Tear is Commonplace, published by Carcanet Press (2013). Available here The poems collected in No Tear is Commonplace stage a passionate, curious, and often combative relationship with the world and the forces that shape human life and death.

Some of the self-containment of my old face
has been sandblasted away. The “yellow wind”
is blowing and my mouth and face burn
from the Gobi dust that scorches the city
after its historic passage over the Great Wall.
When I was young, I hosed the Atlantic salt
off my body, the salt was young too.

– Stanley Moss, “April, Beijing”

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Read an article on Stanley Moss:

More info on Stanley Moss⇒

Morrissey, Judd 2012; 2013

Saturday, November 10, 2012
Saturday, April 13, 2013


Watch Judd Morrissey’s performance poem, “The Operature:”


The Operature is a durational live performance, installation and augmented reality poem that engages histories of forensics and anatomical science and spectacle.

Read an interview with Judd Morrissey and Lori Talley:

More info on Judd Morrissey⇒

Momaday, N. Scott 1993

Thursday, March 25, 1993

I am a feather on the bright sky
I am the blue horse that runs in the plain
I am the fish that rolls, shining, in the water
I am the shadow that follows a child
I am the evening light, the lustre of meadows

N. Scott Momaday, “The Delight Song of Tsoai-talee”

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Read this interview with N. Scott Momaday from History Net:

Interview: Author N. Scott Momaday

Kiowa Writer N. Scott Momaday won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction in 1969 and now claims WWA’s Owen Wister Award.


Watch N. Scott Momaday read some of his work and discuss his life:

A Man Made of Words: N. Scott Momaday

N. Scott Momaday, a noted Native American author, reads his works and tells anecdotes about his life. [1/1997] [Show ID: 125] More from: Library Channel ( Explore More Humanities on UCTV ( The humanities encourage us to think creatively and explore questions about our world.

More info on N. Scott Momaday⇒