Archive by Author

Liang, Stephanie 2023

Monday, July 10, 2023
Poetry @ the Green with Stephanie Liang
320 S. Canal


The overgrown weeds
                    and wilting wisteria
Defy the winter
                    by daring not to die—
Their seedlings spread,
                    spring, into a mess.

– Stephanie Liang, “Yardwork”

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I would not call myself a Nazi sympathizer—
        What does that word even mean, sympathizer?
But ever since that time in the 4th grade
When my arch nemesis Maureen
Invited me to her birthday party,
I realized I needed to give more people a chance.
You’re probably thinking, well she’s not a Nazi.

– Stephanie Liang, “Birthday Parties and Nazis”

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More info on Stephanie Liang⇒

Burroughs, CM 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Blue Hour Reading Series with CM Burroughs and Eugenia Leigh
Haymarket House


rustle plastic bags of outside food in
movie theaters/talk out of turn
in the swallow-dark light/believe
trash should be/as confetti/everywhere
in the viaducts’ shadow/souring in gutters’
craw/jaywalk with the urgency of sloth /split
verbs meaningfully

– CM Burroughs, “Our People I”

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Watch CM Burroughs’ 2023 reading with Eugenia Leigh at the Chicago Poetry Center:

CM Burroughs begins at 21:56 minutes.

Everybody is doing trigger warnings now, so
To Whom It May Concern, I hated God
when my sister died. I didn’t know it was
coming, but we were at the hospital in a private
room for family, and our pastor
was there, the one who baptized me, and
he said Let us pray, and I kept my eyes
open to watch everybody, but
listened, and when he said Sometimes
God has to take back his angels,
I was smart enough to know, I was 14, that
he was saying she was gone or going

– CM Burroughs, “God Letter”

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Watch CM Burroughs read from her poetry collection Master Suffering:

Read CM Burrough’s interview with Literary Hub:

The Poetics of the Body: An Interview With CM Burroughs

In this next installment of our series of interviews with contemporary poets, Peter Mishler corresponded with CM Burroughs. Burroughs is Associate Professor of Poetry at Columbia College Chicago, a…

More info on CM Burroughs⇒

Leigh, Eugenia 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023
Blue Hour Reading Series with CM Burroughs and Eugenia Leigh
Haymarket House


My baby brandishes a wooden knife
meant to halve a wooden shallot
as he hollers his newest word. Knife.
Look at my son, flashing
his dagger, jamming it into plush
animals. Knife, knife. Look at him,
oblivious to the weapons
littering his lineage or, God forbid,
possessed by them.

– Eugenia Leigh, “Glossolalia”

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Watch Eugenia Leigh’s 2023 reading with CM Burroughs at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Eugenia Leigh begins at 43:46 minutes.

The rest of us,
trembling among our mothers’
bargain trench coats, waited
for Narnia. There, we dreamed
we were the children
of lions. Heirs to our own beds.

– Eugenia Leigh, “Children of Lions”

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Watch Eugenia Leigh in conversation with Patricia Smith:

Read Eugenia Leigh’s interview with Frontier Poetry:

Poet in the Mirror: Eugenia Leigh | Frontier Poetry – Exploring the Edges of Contemporary Poetry

We’re so proud to share some insight into the lives and hearts of today’s poets with our Poet In The Mirror series. This month, Eugenia Leigh-author of Bianca (available now from Four Way Books)-shares insight into process, writing as an…

More info on Eugenia Leigh⇒

Tubens, Luis 2022; 2023

Tuesday, August 9, 2022
Poetry @ the Green with Luis Tubens (aka Logan Lu)
320 S. Canal
Monday, May 15, 2023
Poetry @ the Green with Luis Tubens (aka Logan Lu)
320 S. Canal


The surrounding sound of shattering glass
The air, thick with angst
A chorus of hopeful chants
Sent electric shocks that shook State street.

– Luis Tubens, “Brown Solidarity for Black Lives”

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Watch Logan Lu read his poem, “Abuela’s Kitchen”:

Watch Logan Lu perform his poem, “Phone Call”:

More info on Luis Tubens⇒

Randall, Julian 2023

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Blue Hour Reading Series with Maya Pindyck and Julian Randall
Haymarket House


The children of fugitives perhaps lust for nothing
so much as a country where we are faster
than everything else. Here I graceless bouquet
of dark whipping hard through a need
for electric.

– Julian Randall, “The Zero Country”

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Watch Julian Randall’s 2023 reading with Maya Pindyck at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Julian Randall begins at 36:54 minutes.

my body is an architecture of gazes/I wanted your eyes/not for the color/but the water/I was born/into thirst/and questions/what are you/where did you come from/what do they speak there/are you Black/are you the border/and my throat crack down to scarlet with the answer/I bleed/therefore I am

– Julian Randall, “Biracial Boy Reps His Blood”

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Watch Julian Randall perform his poem “Drown”:

Read Julian Randall’s interview with Pen America:

A PEN Ten Interview with Julian Randall – PEN America

This week, guest editor Natalie Desroisers, the programs and communications fellow at Cave Canem, speaks to poet Julian Randall.

More info on Julian Randall⇒

Pindyck, Maya 2023

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
Blue Hour Reading Series with Maya Pindyck and Julian Randall
Haymarket House


His command: Hold out your hand.
Grabs her palm, the shade
of white asparagus. Shoves in it
a wad of bills. Count them. Too high,
she tries, adjusting her New Year’s
tiara, to focus her tired eyes.

– Maya Pindyck, “The Count”

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Watch Maya Pindyck’s 2023 reading with Julian Randall at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Maya Pindyck begins at 22:06 minutes.

After the war all that remains
reads as half scribbles of the half dead
language. I stop to eat an empanada,
half butterfly, by the lapping waves
& salivating dogs. Let the poem be the place
we touch our other halves, somewhere
between the parcels carried,
her cotton bag & face

– Maya Pindyck, “Half Poem”

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Watch Maya Pindyck read from her poetry collection at Brookline Booksmith:

Read Maya Pindyck’s interview with Teachers & Writers Magazine:

Reorienting Classroom Literacy Practices – Teachers & Writers Magazine

A conversation with Maya Pindyck.

More info on Maya Pindyck⇒

Lam, Kien 2023

Wednesday, March 15, 2023
Blue Hour Reading Series with Danni Quintos and Kien Lam
Haymarket House


Bags of ice drip from the back of a small bike
in Vietnam. The exhaust pipe rumbles. The man
sweats. My tongue melts. We are lucky we are not tiny
starving polar bears slipping off the last refuge
of ice into the black asphalt. The open
ocean. Or I should say we are lucky
the coming flood is incremental.

– Kien Lam, “Almost”

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Watch Kien Lam’s 2023 reading with Danni Quintos at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Kien Lam begins at 39:08 minutes.

A hangover is a kind of prayer in which your last drink is the blood of the Lord, which is you, which is not a sustainable method of consumption. A cow can’t drink from its own utter. The body doesn’t move by itself.

– Kien Lam, “Zuihitsu”

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Watch Kien Lam perform his poetry:

More info on Kien Lam⇒