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Donohue, Sheila 2001

Thursday, March 15, 2001
with Kent Foreman and Olivia Maciel


Listen to Sheila Donohue read her poem, “Ice Skating: Age 9” from

Find out about Sheila Donohue’s salon for art and activism, Center Portion:

Center Portion: real people in a real place, experiencing writers, speakers, musicians and educators – live.

Sheila Donohue and Greg Scott believe so strongly in the power of art (and its ability to effect change) that they carved out a space in their home to support it. Center Portion is a salon, whose donations are used for direct support of the people who present their ideas.

More info on Sheila Donohue⇒

Dobyns, Stephen 1988

Friday, February 26, 1988


Ashes, the dissonance of unicorns: the edges
of my written name begin to curl, the ink
still visible through the fire. In absence of stars,
my natality card remains safely in Washington.

– Stephen Dobyns, “Name-Burning”

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Read this interview with Stephen Dobyns from The New Yorker:

Poetry Questions: Stephen Dobyns

This week, the magazine features “Determination,” by Stephen Dobyns. I had the chance to ask the author about the kindling and spark that fed this …

Groggy, sure, and in the midst of bad dreams,
it must have been a dispirited awakening–
expecting everything settled, the long night
without interruption suddenly interrupted,

– Stephen Dobyns, “The Mercy of Lazarus”

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Watch Stephen Dobyns read his work at Poetry@Tech:

Poetry@Tech: Stephen Dobyns

Stephen Dobyns October 27, 2011 Produced by the Georgia Tech Cable Network

More info on Stephen Dobyns⇒

Duyn, Mona Van 1981

Friday, April 24, 1981


Before you leave her, the woman who thought you lavish,
whose body you led to parade without a blush
the touching vulgarity of the nouveau-riche

– Mona Van Duyn, “Advice to a God”

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Read this article honoring Mona Van Duyn from the Beltway Poetry Quarterly:

Andrea Carter Brown on Mona Van Duyn

In the spring of 1992, the Library of Congress broke precedent, naming Mona Van Duyn its first female Poet Laureate.

From a new peony,
my last anthem,
a squirrel in glee
broke the budded stem.
I thought, where is joy
without fresh bloom,
that old hearts’ ploy
to mask the tomb?

– Mona Van Duyn, “Sonnet for Minimalists”

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Listen to Mona Van Duyn read some of her poetry:

More info on Mona Van Duyn ⇒

Dybek, Stuart 1994; 2015

Wednesday, December 14 1994
with Mark Doty

Thursday, March 12, 2015
with Sandra Marchetti
Chicago Cultural Center

Daylight perforates siding despite
the battered armor of license plates–
corroded colors, same state: decay,
their dates the only history
of whoever tilled the soil

– Stuart Dybek, “Scythe”

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Listen to Stuart Dybek’s 1994 Poetry Center reading with Mark Doty:

Stuart Dybek begins at 33:37 minutes.

On a brick street slicked
by a reddish, spiritual neon,
I thought I saw you again,
bareheaded in damp weather.
I recognized the shape
of your breath in the cold.

– Stuart Dybek, “Vigil”

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Read this interview with Stuart Dybek by Poetry Center of Chicago’s own Danielle Susi:

The garments worn in flying dreams
were fashioned there–
overcoats that swooped like kites,
scarves streaming like vapor trails,
gowns ballooning into spinnakers.

– Stuart Dybek, “Windy City”

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Listen to Stuart Dybek read his work with Sandy Marchetti at the Poetry Center of Chicago’s 2015 Six Points Reading Series:

Stuart Dybek begins at 16:42 minutes.

Stuart Dybek reading for the March installment of the Poetry Center of Chicago's Six Points Reading Series.

Stuart Dybek reading for the March installment of the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Six Points Reading Series.

It’s the metallic hour
when birds lose perfect pitch.
On a porch, three stories up,
against a copper window
facing the El,
a woman in a satin slip,
and the geraniums she waters,
turn to gold.

– Stuart Dybek, “Angelus”

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Check out this On the Fly interview with Stuart Dybek:

Writers On the Fly: Stuart Dybek

Stuart Dybek is the author of three books of fiction: “I Sailed With Magellan”, “The Coast of Chicago”, and “Childhood and Other Neighborhoods”. Both “I Sailed With Magellan” and “The Coast of Chicago” were New York Times Notable Books, and “The Coast of Chicago” was a One Book One Chicago selection.

More info on Stuart Dybek⇒

Durbin, Kate 2013

Saturday, April 13, 2013

My spectators loved my Orange County neighborhood
in the sluggish melt of summer:
avocados thudding to earth,
bougainvillea petals browning the asphalt,
the old woman with Aqua-net hair
hosing her Bermuda grass.

– Kate Durbin, “Captives”

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Read this interview with Kate Durbin from BOMB Magazine:

I don’t remember learning how. Only not knowing, then knowing. Before: lines chickens made in the dirt inside the coop; circles and triangles I drew in the garden mud with my fingers. The only meaning attributed these symbols, that of a child’s whimsy.

– Kate Durbin, “Unlearning to Read”

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Watch Kate Durbin read from her chapbook, “Kept Women,” at the Bureau of Experimental Speech and Holy Theses:

Kate Durbin reads Kept Women during BESHT Gallery Hours! 2012-12-16 (2 of 5)

Kate Durbin reads from her “Kept Women” (Parrot Press, 2012), meanwhile Prof. Padu Paga does a pipe smoking performance to accompany. Broadcast live on 12/16/2012 from the Bureau of Experimental Speech and Holy Theses (BESHT), located at the Pomona College Museum of Art!


More info on Kate Durbin⇒

Duhamel, Denise 2003

Wednesday, February 12, 2003
with Kevin Young

In a few days,
someone comes to crack
our shells and reunite
us as a family.

– Denise Duhamel, “Wish You Were Here”

Broadside of “Wish You Were Here” by Denise Duhamel.

Buy this broadside⇒

Buy a signed copy of this broadside⇒

The blue forest, chilled and blue, like the lips of the dead
if the lips were gone. The year has been cut in half
with dull scissors, the solstice still looking for its square
on the calendar…

– Denise Duhamel, “June”

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Watch Denise Duhamel read her work at Arizona State University:

More info on Denise Duhamel⇒

Dugan, Alan 1982

Friday, October 15, 1982

The curtains belly in the waking room.
Sails are round with holding, horned at top,
and net a blue bull in the wind: the day.
They drag the blunt hulls of my heels awake
and outrigged by myself through the morning seas.
If I do land, let breakfast harbor me.

– Alan Dugan, “Landfall”

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Listen to recordings of Alan Dugan reading his poetry, with an introduction to his life and work, in the Poetry Foundation’s Essential American Poets Podcast:

In winter a crow flew at my head
because her fledgling warmed
the brute nest of my fist. Ah,
the pear clipped in her yellow beak
fell from her cry of “Ransom,” and
I freed my bird for grace.

– Alan Dugan, “Admonitor: A Pearl For Arrogance”

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Read this interview with Alan Dugan from The Iowa Review:

Research Portal

No Description

More info on Alan Dugan⇒

Doty, Mark 1994

Wednesday, December 14, 1994
with Stuart Dybek

Suddenly the stairs seem to climb down themselves,
atomized plaster billowing: dust of 1907’s
rooming house, this year’s bake shop and florist’s,
the ghosts of their signs faint above the windows
lined, last week, with loaves and blooms.

– Mark Doty, “Demolition”

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Listen to Mark Doty’s 1994 reading for the Poetry Center of Chicago:

Read this interview with Mark Doty from The Cortland Review:

Wrapped in gold foil, in the search
and shouting of Easter Sunday,
it was the ball of the princess,
it was Pharoah’s body
sleeping in its golden case.

– Mark Doty, “Ararat”

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Watch Mark Doty read his work at the 2006 Dodge Poetry Festival:

Mark Doty reading at the 2006 Dodge Poetry Festival

“The House of Beauty”

More info on Mark Doty⇒