Thursday, November 7, 2002

Sun-sliding morning. The doors of the world stand open,
The one up and the one down.
Twice-blessed by their golden handles,
We try them both, but they don’t open, not yet, they don’t open.
– Charles Wright, “Nostalgia III”

Broadside of “Nostalgia III” by Charles Wright with Timothy Straveler.
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Ancient of Days, old friend, no one believes you’ll come back.
No one believes in his own life anymore.
The moon, like a dead heart, cold and unstartable, hangs by a thread
At the earth’s edge,
Unfaithful at last, splotching the ferns and the pink shrubs.
– Charles Wright, “Stone Canyon Nocturne”
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Watch Charles Wright read his work here:”
Charles Wright gives his inaugural reading as the 20th Poet Laureate Consultant to the Library of Congress. Speaker Biography: On June 12th, 2014, Librarian of Congress James H. Billington announced the appointment of Charles Wright as the Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry. Charles Wright was born in Pickwick Dam, Tennessee on August 25, 1935.
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