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Lansana, Quraysh Ali 2017

Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Reading the Black Library: Celebrating Brooks with Sandra Jackson-Opoku
Bing Reading Room



aint got no mind ta leev dis place
go on moses   find yo promise lan
mines is here beside dis fire
wid folks we knows from when we’s born

              – Quraysh Ali Lansana, “faithless”

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Read this interview with Quraysh Ali Lansana from the Gawker:

yo baby   i aint too old jus yet
jus round thirty-one   i think   make us a home john    one
where we’s both free   free from de lash’s shadow free like de lord
mean   got dis suit fo ya john   aint nobody worn dese clothes befo
walk proud in dese clothese   dese is free mans cloths

              – Quraysh Ali Lansana, “long way home”

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Watch Quraysh Ali Lansana read here:

Quraysh Ali Lansana: The Walmart Republic

Quraysh Ali Lansana stops by the Academy of American Poets to discuss his latest book of poems, The Walmart Republic, cowritten by Christopher Stewart. *For highest quality playback, change your view settings using the gear icon to 720p HD.

More info on Quraysh Ali Lansana⇒

Lemke, Dolly 2015

Thursday, August 6, 2015
with Fred Sasaki
Chicago Cultural Center

Her words became us    a honey that hurt
Suppose we could describe movement
through bluestem and aster

– Dolly Lemke, “Girl Cento”

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Read this interview with Dolly Lemke from Columbia Poetry Reviews:

 however those unhappy flowers are spelt
I will make room for the ranunculus, there are many parts of the ringlets and facets.  Simple for the lichen
to mock the angel.  You could chart everything by the organization of this tree.

– Dolly Lemke, “Woman descending stairs as if a portrait is made upon arrival.”

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Watch Dolly Lemke read her work:

Dolly Lemke @ Poetry & Pints

Grand Rapids, 1.20.2013, Harmony Brewing Company

More info on Dolly Lemke⇒

Lessing, Doris 1997

Wednesday, October 8, 1997


Oh Cherry trees you are too white for my heart,
And all the ground is whitened with your dying,
And all your boughs go dipping towards the river,
And every drop is falling from my heart.

– Doris Lessing, “Oh Cherry Trees You Are Too White For My Heart”

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Read an interview with Doris Lessing from the Paris Review:

The Art of Fiction No. 102

Photograph by Chris Saunders Doris Lessing was interviewed at the home of Robert Gottlieb, in Manhattan’s east forties. Her editor for many years at Knopf, Mr. Gottlieb was then the editor of The New Yorker. Ms. Lessing was briefly in town to attend some casting sessions for the…

Impenetrable, those walls, we thought,
Dark with ancient shields. The light
Shone on the head of a girl or young limbs
Spread carelessly. And the low voices
Rose in the silence and were lost as in water.

– Doris Lessing, “Fable”

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Watch Doris Lessing discuss her writing career:

Doris Lessing on her writing career

Doris Lessing shares anecdotes from her life as a writer. She was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature. More about Doris Lessing at

More info on Doris Lessing⇒

Lynch, Thomas 2002

Wednesday, March 3, 2002

It came to him that he could nearly count
How many Octobers he had left to him
In increments of ten or, say, eleven
Thus: sixty-three, seventy-four, eighty-five. 

Thomas Lynch, “Refusing at Fifty-two to Write Sonnets”

Broadside of “Refusing at Fifty-two to Write Sonnets” by Thomas Lynch

Buy this broadside⇒

The body of the boy who took his flight
off the cliff at Kilcloher into the sea
was hauled up by curragh-men, out at first light
fishing mackerel in the estuary.

Thomas Lynch, “He Posits Certain Mysteries”

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Watch a reading and interview with Thomas Lynch at the Chicago Humanities Festival:

Thomas Lynch: Poet & Undertaker – See more Chicago Humanities Festival events. “There is nothing like the sight of a dead human body to assist the living in separating the good days from the bad ones. Of this truth I have some experience,” writes Thomas Lynch in Bodies in Motion and at Rest: On Metaphor and Mortality.

More info on Thomas Lynch⇒

Lux, Thomas 1998

Wednesday, November 4, 1998

His spine curved just enough
to suggest a youth spent amidst a boring
landscape: brokedown corncrib, abandoned sty,
skeletal manure shed, a two-silo barn with one
sold off leaving a round pit
filled with rubble–where once the sweet silage
piled up and up now the brooding
ground of toads…

Thomas Lux, “His Spine Curved Just Enough”

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Watch Thomas Lux read his poem, “Refrigerator:”

“Refrigerator” by Thomas Lux

Thomas Lux read this on March 15, 2012 at the Acton-Boxborough Regional High School in Acton, Massachusetts at the annual Robert Creeley Poetry Reading. Thomas Lux is the 2012 winner of the Robert Creeley Award. For more information about the foundation, please visit

you need not talk nor fear
that particular sticky abrasion gotten
by walking into pine trees… You find
a lucidity in this darkness.

– Thomas Lux, “The Night So Bright A Squirrel Reads”

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Read an interview with Thomas Lux from Writer’s Digest:

Thomas Lux: Poet Interview

Poet Thomas Lux, author of a dozen books, including Child Made of Sand and God Particles, takes a moment to talk poetic process, surrealism, and the importance of reading until you bleed.

More info on Thomas Lux⇒

Lombardo, Stanley 1994

Thursday, February 17, 1994

Read an interview with Stanley Lombardo from Jacket Magazine:

Stanley Lombardo

Lombardo: Shakespeare, Chaucer, Beowulf – trying to read some of it in the original, in whatever way I could. The Romantics, especially Keats and Coleridge, but also Wordsworth. I memorized ‘The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,’ Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat, The Waste Land.

Watch Stanley Lombardo read from his translation of the Iliad:

Professor Stanley Lombardo reads from his translation of the Iliad

One of the speakers at Hollins 34th annual Classics Symposium was Stanley Lombardo, professor of classics at the University of Kansas, who read from his translation of the “Iliad.”

More info on Stanley Lombardo⇒

Logan, John 1978

Friday, February 17, 1978

Cold dawn Harrow-On-the-Hill.
The unquiet curtain is too
White this hour, the candles
Too drawn their flames rest–
Less ruddying the cup
Of thin breads with its thin
Hands not yet bodied

– John Logan, “The Death of Southwell”

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Read John Logan’s review of E.E. Cummings:

Six of One and Six Hundred of the Other by John… | Poetry Magazine

September 1955 | Vernon Watkins, Roy Campbell, Dannie Abse, Nelson Bentley, Allen Curnow, Paul Goodman, Don Gordon, Phyllis Haring, Roger Hecht, W. Johnson, Marcia Masters, Stanley Moss, Ned O’Gorman, William Pillin, James Schevill, Reed Whittemore, Harold Witt, James Wright, John Logan, John Meyer

The guards sleep they breathe uneven
Conversation with the
Trees the sharp cicadas
And knots of pine the flames
Have stirred to talk: their light

– John Logan, “A Pathological Case in Pliny”

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More info on John Logan⇒

Linchevskaya, Anna 1981

Friday, May 27, 1981
Homage to Anna Akhmatova
with Douglas MacDonald
The Poetry Center at the Museum of Contemporary Art
Vintage poster of Homage to Anna Akhmatova featuring Anna Linchevskaya and Douglas MacDonald reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Vintage poster of Homage to Anna Akhmatova featuring Anna Linchevskaya and Douglas Macdonald reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Preview the book printed for this event:

Six poems & requiem

Libbey, Elizabeth 1979

Friday, December 14, 1979
with Ross Talarico

A single dolphin breaks surface.
What has always been
grey as ocean is suddenly ivory, iron
woven with strands of smoky shadow
across a back arched green, a fin glistening
in green spray shot with violet when spray hits sun
midair, the eye black like eclipsed sun
disappears amid fringes, swirls; lingering air
holds until surface snaps
again, erupts molten silver into gold
gasp of air, release.

– Elizabeth Libbey, “Girl Sitting Alone In Her Room”

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More info on Elizabeth Libbey⇒