Lessing, Doris 1997

Wednesday, October 8, 1997


Oh Cherry trees you are too white for my heart,
And all the ground is whitened with your dying,
And all your boughs go dipping towards the river,
And every drop is falling from my heart.

– Doris Lessing, “Oh Cherry Trees You Are Too White For My Heart”

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Read an interview with Doris Lessing from the Paris Review:

The Art of Fiction No. 102

Photograph by Chris Saunders Doris Lessing was interviewed at the home of Robert Gottlieb, in Manhattan’s east forties. Her editor for many years at Knopf, Mr. Gottlieb was then the editor of The New Yorker. Ms. Lessing was briefly in town to attend some casting sessions for the…

Impenetrable, those walls, we thought,
Dark with ancient shields. The light
Shone on the head of a girl or young limbs
Spread carelessly. And the low voices
Rose in the silence and were lost as in water.

– Doris Lessing, “Fable”

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Watch Doris Lessing discuss her writing career:

Doris Lessing on her writing career

Doris Lessing shares anecdotes from her life as a writer. She was awarded the 2007 Nobel Prize in Literature. More about Doris Lessing at http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/literature/laureates/2007/lessing-facts.html

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