Friday, May 17, 2019
Six Points Reading Series with Davon Clark and
Gabriel Ojeda-Sague
Pilsen Community Books

I heard we got the city doing front flips // where every father/mayor/rapper jump ship // and I
heard they all wanted us to tumble down, anyway // to let our streets fall over into themselves //
inside the city line and through the alleys // in a flood of cement // and that crazy kid’s croons //
I heard he used to sing about us in autotune // how our rowhomes would jazz the boulevard into a
keyboard // how our grandparents and their grandparents knew joy like we know it // that is,
almost // that is, like someone always had their hands covering the sun over it // // that is, like it’s
all there is
– Davon Clark, “On Chances”
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Watch Davon Clark perform his poem “Bustelo”:
Become a Member for exclusive perks and videos: Davon Clark, performing at Rustbelt 2017 in Minneapolis, MN. Want to choose which videos run on Button: About Button: Button Poetry is committed to developing a coherent and effective system of production, distribution, promotion and fundraising for spoken word and performance poetry.
Praise the glowing yellow sign
in the distance.
Praise how slow it comes.
Praise how fast it goes.
Praise be to going.
Praise be upon the dozens of us
that are all going somewhere
But to nowhere near the same somewhere.
– Davon Clark, “Praise to the Bus Ride”
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Watch Davon Clark perform his poem “Sunset”:
Subscribe for more great poetry videos: Social Media with us! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Tumblr: Website: Davon Clark performing “Sunset” at the Blanton Museum of Art. Check out Davon on Twitter!
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