Bowen, Kristy 2004; 2014; 2017
with Cecilia Pinto
It’s a vocabulary of old country
songs, unfaithful women
and open roads, a scratchy
vinyl itching in her thighs.
This fear of swimming pools
and gas station bathrooms.
– Kristy Bowen, “Hazards”
Buy the broadside of “Hazards” by Kristy Bowen⇒
Or buy the series broadsides of Kristy Bowen, Misty Harper, and Katrina Vandenberg⇒
Listen to Kristy Bowen read her poetry for the Poetry Center of Chicago Reading Series, with Misty Harper and Katrina Vandenberg:
Audio PlayerKristy Bowen begins reading at 4:02 minutes.
This tiny thing breathing between us that aches something awful.
By summer, I am slipping all the complimentary mints in my coat pockets
while you pay the check. Gripping the railings on bridges to keep
diving over. Some dark dog in my throat when I say hello.
– Kristy Bowen, “house of strays”
Read this interview with Kristy Bowen from Monkey Bicycle:
Interview: Kristy Bowen
Kristy Bowen is a prolific Chicago poet and artist who has published several full-length books of poetry, such as girl show (black Lawrence Press, 2013) as well as multiple chapbooks, including Apocalypse Theory: A Reader (SFSU Poetry Center Chapbook Exchange, 2013) and I*HATE*YOU*JAMES*FRANCO (sundress publications, 2012).