Padgett, Ron 1979; 2002; 2004
with Ted Berrigan
Wednesday, March 20, 2002
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
with Anselm Hollo
I don’t mind Walt Whitman’s saying”I contain multitudes,” in fact I like it,
but all I can imagine myself saying is
“I contain a sandwich and some coffee and a throb.”
– Ron Padgett, “Embraceable You”
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Listen to Ron Padgett’s 2004 reading with Anselm Hollo at the Poetry Center of Chicago:
Ron Padgett begins at 35:15 minutes.
I bang into the water pail,
blue in the morning light,
though to tell the truth
I am blue in any light,
– Ron Padgett, “Mir”

Vintage poster of Ted Berrigan and Ron Padgett giving a poetry reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.