Spender, Stephen 1983

Monday, October 24, 1983


The I is one of
The human machines
So common on the gray plains—
Yet being built into flesh
My single pair of eyes
Contain the universe they see;
Their mirrored multiplicity
Is packed into a hollow body
Where I reflect the many, in my one.

– Stephen Spender, “The Human Condition”

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Read this interview with Stephen Spender from the Paris Review:

The Art of Poetry No. 25

The strength of Mr. Spender’s literary reputation, which is international in scope, has made him something of a nomad as scholar and poet. His homes are in St. John’s Wood, London, and Maussanne-les-Alpilles, France, where he spends his summers; but he is often on the road, giv…

More info on Stephen Spender ⇒