Phillips, Xan 2019

Friday, April 26 2019
Blue Hour Reading Series with Xan Phillips and Jan-Henry Gray and mai c. doan
Women & Children First Bookstore


There is nothing left for us to forge in Oberlin, and still we remain, Edmonia a sentient rock, swallowing her own feet in want of motion. We fit on this twin sized bed only by entanglement. We survive here by the brine of our brutish blood.

– Xan Phillips, “Edmonia Lewis and I Weather the Storm”

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Watch Xan Phillips’s 2020 reading of excerpts from their debut poetry collection, Hull, on YouTube with Poets House:

to partake in a gender, to do so as a participant, and to fashion one’s self a living process of gender is like casting a net of postures, adornment objects, and grooming techniques into a future tense. where have I gone, and who have I built to take my place? I’ve always been unsuccessful at it. the tossing of it. I throw rocks ahead of me and predict where they will land.

– Xan Phillips, “Nativity”

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Watch this video from Poetry Foundation with Xan Phillips.

More info on Xan Phillips⇒