Hicks, Faylita 2022
Blue Hour Reading Series with Faylita Hicks and Hila Ratzabi
Haymarket House
The highway swells like tide and I lie awake, willing
dozens of wheels to swerve loose of the pile-up
I know is coming, always comes, when I am away,
being Black and bothered.
– Faylita Hicks, “ASMR Sleepcast: The Night After Being Released from the Rural County Jail”
Watch Faylita Hicks’ 2022 reading with Hila Ratzabi at the Chicago Poetry Center:
Faylita Hicks begins at 8:17 minutes.
You should know this city
thirsts for copper-
tinged sediment & meat
fresh from the workers
of the dying farms & fields.
Sick without a steady flux
of salt-leaking star-beaten
bodies, this city turns
in on itself & chews
on my sisters
– Faylita Hicks, “Before Moving to Austin”
Watch Faylita Hicks perform at The Tobin:
Read Faylita Hicks’ interview with The Rumpus:
A Time and a Place: Talking with Faylita Hicks – The Rumpus
Faylita Hicks discusses her debut poetry collection, HOODWITCH.