Gambito, Sarah 2022

Wednesday, May 18, 2022
Blue Hour Reading Series with Sarah Gambito and Joseph Legaspi


I was so afraid. I couldn’t escape it. It was bigger than me and 3 horned. It dashed for me and missed and missed again. It leapt for me in my skirt. I was younger than it. It opened its parent mouth and I could die trying.

– Sarah Gambito, “Citizenship [I was so afraid.]”

Continue reading this poem⇒

Watch Sarah Gambito’s 2022 reading with Joseph Legaspi at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Sarah Gambito begins at 30:36 minutes.

How much our hands are God’s
to be running fingers over braille cities.
We are this hand pushed through our womb.
Weeping with each other’s blood in our eyes.
I dreamed that I slept with the light on.

– Sarah Gambito, “Yolanda: A Typhoon”

Continue reading this poem⇒

Watch Sarah Gambito read for the PAWA Arkipelago Reading Series:

Read Sarah Gambito’s interview with Porter House Review:

More info on Sarah Gambito⇒