Finch, Annie 1998


is the sound of my loud carrying life a knell
far across your small ocean? Do you share
the secret that the months keep hidden there?

– Annie Finch, “Three Generations of Secrets”

Broadside of "Three Generations of Secrets" by Annie Finch.

Broadside of “Three Generations of Secrets” by Annie Finch.

Buy this broadside in a series with Paulette Roeske, Debra Bruce, John Frederick Nims, and Cin Salach⇒

Ours are the only mouths
to taste with this smothering slow
touch, and the only steps
to sink like bellsounds and cave
deep into the marble snow.

– Annie Finch, “Frozen In”

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Read this interview with Annie Finch from The Harlequin:

Annie Finch – Interview – The Harlequin

An interview with poet Annie Finch in The Harlequin

When I was thirteen she found me,
spiralled into my blood like a hive.
I stood on a porch where she wound me
for the first time, tight and alive,

– Annie Finch, “Moon From the Porch”

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Watch Annie Finch read “A Blessing on the Poets:”

Annie Finch reading A Blessing on the Poets

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More info on Annie Finch⇒