Rothenberg, Jerome 1980

Friday, May 16, 1980


Time runs thru my fingers,
laughter & feathers
against her lips
when I bend to kiss her

– Jerome Rothenberg, “A Slower Music”

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Read this interview with Jerome Rothenberg from Rain Taxi:

Poet and Polemicist: an interview with Jerome Rothenberg

by Sarah SuzorPoet, translator, and polemicist Jerome Rothenberg is the author of more than 80 books of poetry, and has edited or co-edited ten major

the gauleiter & the rabbit
form another segment
of the dream     their motion thrusts them forward
until he drives his teeth into the other’s neck
purveyor of a custom so within the norm
the world will hardly recognize it

– Jerome Rothenberg, “The Gauleiter & The Rabbit (2)”

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Watch Jerome Rothenberg read some of his work:

Jerome Rothenberg ” Visions and Affiliations

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More info on Jerome Rothenberg⇒