Archive by Author

Graham, Jorie 2001

Wednesday, December 12, 2001

One’s nakedness is very slow.
One calls to it, one wastes one’s sympathy.
Comparison, too, is very slow.
Where is the past?

– Jorie Graham, “Evolution”

Broadside of “Evolution” by Jorie Graham.

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Listen to Jorie Graham’s 2001 reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago:

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Billy Collins, Andrei Codrescu, Ron Padgett, Lucille Clifton, Mark Perlberg, Li-Young Lee, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Anne Waldman, Yusuf Komunyakaa, Lisel Mueller, Ted Kooser, Paul Carroll, Jorie Graham, and Paul Hoover.

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Here’s where I lower you
into the drizzle
of the visible,
my eager one,
where I hold you out like a gift
to this water, out at the end of my hand, to steady you,

– Jorie Graham, “Mirror Prayer”

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Watch Jorie Graham read her work for the 92Y Readings:

Jorie Graham: Selected Poems | 92Y Readings

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Grajeda, Becky 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Listen to a sample of Becky Grajeda’s work:

Evidence Poem 1: A blot could end everything by bgrajeda

A two channel sound collage made from field recordings of household heating systems and family members’ voices. The title comes from two types of paper and mixed media collages by Czech visual poet Jiří Kolář, evidence poems (created from ephemera from daily life) and elemental poems and collages (in which large areas of an image are removed or simple cuts are made into the image).

More info on Becky Grajeda⇒

Goldstein, Laura 2013

Thursday, April 11, 2013

The animal kingdom is archived in the sky, imprinted clouds explicated in domesticated
poems: That rough hold moss perfumes a forest bangs in on thunder claps clasps
gives its way what was that blur that blew through here as if on a cloud?

– Laura Goldstein, “nascent”

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Watch Laura Goldstein read some of her work:

Laura Goldstein, The Dollhouse Reading Series

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Glück, Louise 1977; 2004

Friday, January 21, 1977
The Poetry Center at the Museum of Contemporary Art
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Vintage poster of Louise Glück's reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago

Vintage poster of Louise Glück’s reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago

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At dawn the rain abated. I did the things
one does in daylight, I acquitted myself,
but I moved like a sleepwalker.

Louise Glück, “Eros”

Broadside of “Eros” by Louise Glück

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Listen to Louise Glück’s September 9, 2004 reading for the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Reading Series:

Louise Glück begins at 10:49 minutes.

The grass below the willow
Of my daughter’s wash is curled
With earthworms, and the world
Is measured into row on row
Of unspiced houses, painted to seem real.

– Louise Glück, “Grandmother in the Garden”

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Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Tom Raworth, Diane di Prima, Kimiko Hahn, Eugene Gloria, Patricia Smith, Luis Rodriguez, Robert Bly, Brian Turner, Bruce Weigl, Tyehimba Jess, A. Van Jordan, Arielle Greenberg, Billy Corgan, Franz Wright, Czeslaw Milosz, Louise Glück, and Alicia Ostriker.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Tom Raworth, Diane di Prima, Kimiko Hahn, Eugene Gloria, Patricia Smith, Luis Rodriguez, Robert Bly, Brian Turner, Bruce Weigl, Tyehimba Jess, A. Van Jordan, Arielle Greenberg, Billy Corgan, Franz Wright, Czeslaw Milosz, Louise Glück, and Alicia Ostriker.

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More info on Louise Glück⇒

Gloria, Eugene 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
with Kimiko Hahn

Darrell’s mother’s red dress was chiffon
and plunged at the neckline – a sleeveless job
that cupped her breasts with an X.
I was on my way for a carton of milk
when she swaggered out on our street…

Eugene Gloria, “Darrell”

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Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Tom Raworth, Diane di Prima, Kimiko Hahn, Eugene Gloria, Patricia Smith, Luis Rodriguez, Robert Bly, Brian Turner, Bruce Weigl, Tyehimba Jess, A. Van Jordan, Arielle Greenberg, Billy Corgan, Franz Wright, Czeslaw Milosz, Louise Glück, and Alicia Ostriker.

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Tom Raworth, Diane di Prima, Kimiko Hahn, Eugene Gloria, Patricia Smith, Luis Rodriguez, Robert Bly, Brian Turner, Bruce Weigl, Tyehimba Jess, A. Van Jordan, Arielle Greenberg, Billy Corgan, Franz Wright, Czeslaw Milosz, Louise Glück, and Alicia Ostriker.

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All his life he struggled at how to ask,
unable to talk to his father.
Instead of the right questions, he learns to mimic

– Eugene Gloria, “Boabdil’s Eviction”

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Listen to an interview with Eugene Gloria:

More info on Eugene Gloria⇒

Ginsberg, Allen 1975

Friday, March 14, 1975
with William Burroughs
The Poetry Center at the Museum of Contemporary Art
Vintage poster of a joint reading by Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Vintage poster of a joint reading by Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

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I dreamed I dwelled in a homeless place
Where I was lost alone
Folk looked right through me into space
And passed with eyes of stone

– Allen Ginsberg, “New Stanzas for Amazing Grace

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Vintage poster of Poetry in Motion: a film by Ron Mann with Amiri Baraka, Ted Berrigan, Charles Bukowski, William Burroughs, John Cage, Robert Creeley, Diane Di Prima, Kenward Elmslie, Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, Ed Sanders, Gary Snyder, Tom Waits, Anne Waldman at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Vintage poster of Poetry in Motion: a film by Ron Mann with Amiri Baraka, Ted Berrigan, Charles Bukowski, William Burroughs, John Cage, Robert Creeley, Diane Di Prima, Kenward Elmslie, Allen Ginsberg, Michael McClure, Ed Sanders, Gary Snyder, Tom Waits, Anne Waldman at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

More info on Allen Ginsberg⇒

Gibson, Margaret 1997

Wednesday, October 15, 1997
with Tom Andrews

I rub the dark hollow of the bowl
with garlic, near to the fire enough
so that fire reflects on the wood,
a reverie that holds emptiness
in high regard…

– Margaret Gibson, “Making Salad”

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Listen to Margaret Gibson’s Poetry Center reading:

Read this interview with Margaret Gibson from The Georgia Review:

I know what winter is, today
at least, out here
walking the ridge of quiet trees,
heavyhearted and close to
mistaking for grief this snow
on my eyelid. But enough–

– Margaret Gibson, “Earth Elegy”

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Watch Margaret Gibson read some of her poetry:

Guilford Poets Guild Presents Margaret Gibson

Uploaded by GCTVGuilford on 2015-07-05.

More info on Margaret Gibson⇒

Gibbons, Reginald 2009

Wednesday, March 4, 2009
with Elise Paschen

Down in the blue-green water
at nightfall some selving shapes
float fluorescing, trance-dancing,
trembling to the rhythm of
theodoxical marching-

Reginald Gibbons, “Confession”

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Reginald Gibbons on his experience and research with Greek poetry:

The loop of rusty cable incises
its shadow on the stucco wall.
My father smiles shyly and takes
one of my cigarettes, holding it

– Reginald Gibbons, “Luckies”

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Read this interview including Reginald Gibbons from the University of Arizona Poetry Center:

An Interview with Regie Gibson and Reginald Gibbons

By Frances Sjoberg Originally published in the University of Arizona Poetry Center Newsletter Fall 2004. Besides their nearly identical names, what do poets Regie Gibson and Reginald Gibbons share? Gibson, a songwriter and National Poetry Slam Champion, and Gibbons, a scholar and translator, here share their thoughts on poetry’s artists, audiences, and influences.

More info on Reginald Gibbons⇒

Glaz Serup, Martin 2012

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Between the houses the trees grope upward / the trees /nature
that is a place to start / it is like the economy
invisible and everywhere /a huge system /like love

– Martin Glaz Serup, “VI” from “Seven Poems”

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Watch Martin Glaz Serup read some of his poetry:

Fjender poetry: Martin Glaz Serup

Held on March 15th 2014, at the Rich mix arts centre in Shoreditch, London, Fjender (part of the Enemies project celebrated cutting edge avant garde poetry from Europe, centred around contemporary Danish poets. Here Danish poet Martin Glaz Serup presents his work.

Read this interview with Martin Glaz Serup from Words Without Borders:

The City and the Writer: In Copenhagen with Martin Glaz Serup – Words Without Borders

Special City Series/Copenhagen, Denmark 2015 If each city is like a game of chess, the day when I have learned the rules, I shall finally possess my empire, even if I shall never succeed in knowing all the cities it contains.

More info on Martin Glaz Serup⇒

Fuentes, Carlos 1994

Friday, October 14, 1994

I realize that my writings are my masks as well, verbal masks I offer my country as mirrors.

– Carlos Fuentes, Interview with the Paris Review

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Watch Carlos Fuentes speaking with Charlie Rose:

No Title

Carlos Fuentes (1928 – 2012) entrevistado por Charlie Rose, Lunes 21 de Febrero 2011 Carlos Fuentes (1928 – 2012) interviewed by Charlie Rose on Monday February 21st, 2011

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