Corgan, Billy 2003
The river runs foul
from the gates where my father once stood
down to the apple trees
from mirror to the gutter
we run streaks of stardust
– Billy Corgan, “The River Runs Foul”
Buy this audio recording featuring Billy Corgan⇒
A poem, if you will:
Gentle waves rise
just off the fingertips
All I breathe is mine
– Billy Corgan, “Blinking with Fists (and other caterpillar tales)”
Watch this interview with Billy Corgan about his poetry from Fine Print:
Billy Corgan 2004-10-xx Interview
An interview conducted by Carolyn Weaver regarding the book and the poetry of “Blinking With Fists”. Exact recording and broadcasting dates are currently unknown. This appeared on the Book Television network on the programme Fine Print.