Kunz, Edgar 2024

Wednesday, March 20, 2024
Blue Hour Reading Series with Edgar Kunz, Megan Sungyoon and Seo Jung Hak
Haymarket House


We’re breaking into your apartment
through your bedroom window.

The maintenance guy’s ladder
is propped against the sill.

I climb the ladder rung by rung,
it shivers, I try not to look down.

– Edgar Kunz, from “Fixer”

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Watch Edgar Kunz’s 2024 reading with Megan Sungyoon and Seo Jung Hak at the Chicago Poetry Center:

Edgar Kunz begins at 30:06 minutes.

                                                Three hundred

miles north, my father beds down in a van by the Connecticut River.
Snow tires rim-­deep in the silt. He has a wool horse blanket

tacked inside the windshield. A pair of extra pants bunched
into a pillow. He has a paper bag of partially smoked butts.

– Edgar Kunz, “After the Hurricane”

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Listen to Edgar Kunz read his poem “Salvage”:

Visit Edgar Kunz’s website⇒