Molberg, Jenny 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
with Sarah Rose Nordgren and Erin Adair-Hodges
Unabridged Bookstore


Him, in the dark, calling my body
his. My breasts, my hair, my hips. I shout leave
into Motherwell’s circles. I know I can’t help it, the ring
in its strange case, cold as a head with no body. 

– Jenny Molberg, “After Pawning the Engagement Ring”

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Read this interview with Jenny Molberg from the Los Angeles Review of Books:

Poetry is Rocket Science: An Interview with Jenny Molberg – BLARB

Anthony Immergluck Interviews Jenny Molberg about her poetry collection “Marvels of the Invisible.”

Are we not all sick with our own scolding?
When they found your heartbeat
I thought this could be a girl. Just as quick,
you were gone. The question, the what-if:
always regret. But that is too simple.
To regret is to be too late. 

– Jenny Molberg, “Echolocation”

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Watch Jenny Molberg read for the Chicago Poetry Center, with Sarah Rose Nordgren and Erin Adair-Hodges:

Jenny Molberg starts reading at 2:54.

More info on Jenny Molberg⇒