Gallagher, Tess 1990

Wednesday, March 28, 1990


I have had to write this down
in my absence and yours. These
things happen. Thinking
of a voice added
I imagine a sympathy outside us
that protects the message
from what can’t help,
being said.

– Tess Gallagher, “Love Poem to Be Read to an Illiterate Friend”

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Read this interview with Tess Gallagher from Poets&Writers:

An Interview With Tess Gallagher

At the time of this interview, Tess Gallagher had just published Amplitude: New and Selected Poems, which gathered poems from her first three collections, with Graywolf Press. Her most recent book, The Man From Kinvara: Selected Stories, also was published by Graywolf in September 2009. Entire Trees-Douglas Firs, Alders, hemlocks-have washed up onshore.

The sleep of this night deepens
because I have walked coatless from the house
carrying the white envelope.
All night it will say one name
in its little tin house by the roadside.

– Tess Gallagher, “Under Stars”

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Watch Tess Gallagher read her poetry at the Pennsylvania Scranton Public Library in October, 1980:

Friends of the Scranton Public Library Poery Series:Tess Gallagher Part One

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