Wallace, Valerie 2015

Wednesday, January 21, 2015
with C. Russell Price
Chicago Cultural Center


The naked sound of the body sounds
Like a trumpet. I announce a new world
In which your madness and my madness
At the point of a needle, is my love, spinning.

– Valerie Wallace, “Silhouette for the 21st Century”

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Read this interview with Valerie Wallace from the Chicago Review of Books:

Valerie Wallace Explores the Life and Work of Alexander McQueen – Chicago Review of Books

A conversation with the debut poet behind ‘House of McQueen.’

Beauty is an accusation. Nature
Herself has turned metaphysical.
Skull bears witness, proper
& perfect. Viper to socket, startles
me into alertness.

– Valerie Wallace, “Small Seams”

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Watch Valerie Wallace read her poetry:

More info on Valerie Wallace ⇒