Levine, Philip 1978

Friday, March 17, 1978
Vintage poster of Philip Levine's reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Vintage poster of Philip Levine’s reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

I bend to the ground
to catch
something whispered,
urgent, drifting
across the ditches.
The heaviness of
flies stuttering
in orbit, dirt
ripening, the sweat
of eggs.

– Philip Levine, “Noon”

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Listen to Philip Levine read from his work for the Poetry Foundation’s Poetry Lectures:

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She packs the flower beds with leaves,
Rags, dampened paper, ties with twine
The lemon tree, but winter carves
Its features on the uprooted stem.

– Philip Levine, “For Fran”

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Read this interview with Philip Levine from the Paris Review:

The Art of Poetry No. 39

Photograph by Frances Levine I was first introduced to Philip Levine through the mail in the summer of 1976. I was studying literature at Berkeley, and my friends and I, all college freshmen and sophomores, were ardent readers of Levine, W. S. Merwin, Donald Justice, Gary Snyder, and Hart C…

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