Kostakis, Peter 1975; 1976
in honor of Frank O’Hara
Friday, October 15, 1976
Four Chicago Poets: with Paul Hoover, Lisel Mueller, and Bill Hunt
A twitch stung from above face
I make a fever pitch
of $25 in coin
to help the large mammal
– Peter Kostakis, “The Circle with a Hole in the Middle”

The Poetry Center 1974: Pictured is the founder Paul Carroll, some of the original board including Lisel Mueller, Mark Perlberg, and John Rezek and the advisory board at the time (then called the “guiding council”) including Barry Schechter, Bill Knott, Paul Hoover, Michael Anania, Bill Hunt, Candance Rackenger, Rich Friedman, Peter Kostakis, John Rezek, Neil Hackman, Rose Simon, Maxine Chernoff. 1974 Photo by Norris McNamara. Photo donated to The Poetry Center by Mark and Anna Perlberg.

Vintage poster of Bill Berkson, Ted Berrigan, Paul Carroll, Alice Notley, and Peter Kostakis givnig a poetry reading in honor of Frank O’Hara at the Poetry Center of Chicago.