Ford, Charles Henri 1976

Friday, April 9, 1976
Charles Henri Ford, reading his poetry
Accompanied by Indra of Nepal, on guitar, and showing Johnny Minotaur, a new film by Ford

the blood grows, the hair flows, the river burns,
from the veins, from the skin, by the home of the child,
pulled and repelled by Bloody Bones;
renewal of the swoon

– Charles Henri Ford, “The Bad Habit”

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Read this interview with Charles Henri Ford from BOMB Magazine:

Charles Henri Ford

September 1986, The Dakota, New York City Bruce Wolmer Your distinguished career as a poet, novelist, filmmaker, editor, and publisher of little magazines has put you at the center of artistic life in New York and Europe for more than 50 years. You have consistently identified with and explored what until recently has been called the avant-garde.

More info on Charles Henri Ford⇒