Glück, Louise 1977; 2004
The Poetry Center at the Museum of Contemporary Art
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
At dawn the rain abated. I did the things
one does in daylight, I acquitted myself,
but I moved like a sleepwalker.
– Louise Glück, “Eros”
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Listen to Louise Glück’s September 9, 2004 reading for the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Reading Series:
Louise Glück begins at 10:49 minutes.
The grass below the willow
Of my daughter’s wash is curled
With earthworms, and the world
Is measured into row on row
Of unspiced houses, painted to seem real.
– Louise Glück, “Grandmother in the Garden”

Audio recording of the Poetry Center Reading Series featuring Tom Raworth, Diane di Prima, Kimiko Hahn, Eugene Gloria, Patricia Smith, Luis Rodriguez, Robert Bly, Brian Turner, Bruce Weigl, Tyehimba Jess, A. Van Jordan, Arielle Greenberg, Billy Corgan, Franz Wright, Czeslaw Milosz, Louise Glück, and Alicia Ostriker.