Edson, Russell 1976
Let us consider the farmer who makes his straw hat his
sweetheart; or the old woman who makes a floor lamp her son;
or the young woman who has set herself the task of scraping
her shadow off a wall….
– Russell Edson, “Let Us Consider”

Vintage poster of Russell Edson and Charles Simic giving a joint reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.
Out of the golden West, out of the leaden East, into the iron South, and to the silver North… Oh metals metals everywhere, forks and knives, belt buckles and hooks… When you are beaten you sing. You do not give anyone a chance…
– Russell Edson, “Metals Metals”
Watch Russell Edson read his work:
Marshall Poet-in-Residence, with Russell Edson from ASU English on Vimeo.