Craig, Joel 2005; 2015

Joel Craig reading for the Poetry Center of Chicago’s Six Points Reading Series
He was born as his name implies
as though distortion weren’t enough
in itself to frighten good, innocent people.
– Joel Craig, “Schema”
Buy this broadside in a series with Kristy Odelius and Srikanth Reddy⇒
This war cannot be won.
The memory of the garden illusion caught me up
again in the turmoil, viewing my inner self
as an old person looking at distant scenery.
– Joel Craig, “Rational Rational”
Listen to Joel Craig read some of his work:
Joel Craig reads 16 April at Avol’s Books
Joel Craig is the author of the chapbook Shine Tomorrow (Lost Horse, 2009); and poems forthcoming or lately in TYPO, A Public Space, MoonLit, The Zoland Annual, GutCult, Iowa Review, and others. He lives in Chicago, IL where he is the poetry editor for MAKE: A Literary Magazine, and where he co-founded and curates The Danny’s Reading Series at Danny’s Tavern.