Cheever, John 1975

Friday, May 2, 1975
An Evening with John Cheever
The Cathedral of St. James
Vintage poster of John Cheever's reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

Vintage poster of John Cheever’s reading at the Poetry Center of Chicago.

The effect of the water on voices, the illusion of brilliance and suspense, was the same here as it had been at the Bunkers’ but the sounds here were louder, harsher, and more shrill, and as soon as he entered the crowded enclosure he was confronted with regimentation.

– John Cheever, “The Swimmer”

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Read this interview with John Cheever from the Paris Review:

The Art of Fiction No. 62

PHOTOGRAPH BY NANCY CRAMPTON The first meeting with John Cheever took place in the spring of 1969, just after his novel Bullet Park was published. Normally, Cheever leaves the country when a new book is released, but this time he had not, and as a result many interviewers on the E…

Listen to John Cheever reading “The Swimmer:”

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